webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Integrating Cloud Applications | Service Development | Working with JMS Triggers | Building a Transacted JMS Trigger | Prerequisites for a Transacted JMS Trigger
Prerequisites for a Transacted JMS Trigger
Before you build a transacted JMS trigger, make sure the following points are true:
*A transacted JMS connection alias exists. A JMS connection alias is considered to be transacted when it has a transaction type of XA TRANSACTION or LOCAL TRANSACTION.
Note: A transacted JMS connection alias cannot be assigned to a JMS trigger if a cluster policy is applied to the connection factory used by the JMS connection alias.
*The WmART package is installed and enabled.
Building a Transacted JMS Trigger
Properties for Transacted JMS Triggers
Steps for Building a Transacted JMS Trigger

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