webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Integrating Cloud Applications | Service Development | Working with webMethods Integration Server | Changing Passwords | Changing Your Password
Changing Your Password
Note: If you are outside of the corporate firewall, do not change your password unless you use SSL to open the session on the Integration Server. If you do not use SSL, your password can be exposed in unencrypted form.
* To change your password
1. In Designer: Window > Preferences
2. In the preferences navigation tree, select Software AG > Integration Server s.
3. Select the server definition for which you want to change the password and click Change Password.
4. In the Change Password dialog box, in the Old password field, type your current password.
5. In the New password field, type your new password.
6. In the Confirm new password field, retype your new password. Click OK.
Important: The server administrator can disable the feature for changing your password from Designer. If the feature is disabled and you try to change your password, you will receive a message stating that the administrator has disabled the feature.

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