Query Field | Selects activity log entries based on... | |
Activity Class | Type of activity Trading Networks was performing when it wrote the entries. | |
Class | Trading Networks added this entry while... | |
Comments | Adding or updating a document comment. | |
Conversation | Performing actions for a business process. | |
Delivery | Delivering a document using reliable delivery. | |
Document Type Administration | Adding or updating a document type. | |
Envelope | Extracting the ConversationID, DocumentID, GroupID, ReceiverID, or SenderID document attribute from a document. | |
Processing | Processing a document using a processing rule. | |
Processing Rule Administration | Adding or updating a processing rule. | |
Profile Administration | Adding or updating a partner profile. | |
Recognition | Comparing a document to document types. | |
Role Based Access | Updating role-based access permissions in My webMethods. | |
Saving | Saving a document to the Trading Networks database. | |
TPA Usage and Settings | Adding or updating a trading partner agreement. | |
Validation | Validating a document’s structure against a schema. | |
Verification | Verifying the digital signature of a document. | |
Polling | Partners were polling for documents in your system or your system was polling partner systems for documents. | |
General | Other unspecified error messages and warnings. | |
Activity Type | Severity level of the entry. | |
Brief Message | Brief message in the entries. This field is case-sensitive; be sure to use the correct combination of upper- and lowercase letters. | |
Full Message | Full message in the entries. This field is case-sensitive; be sure to use the correct combination of upper- and lowercase letters. | |
Conversation ID | Business process (or conversation) for which the entries were written. | |
Document Type | Document type of the documents for which the entries were written. | |
Partner | Sending or receiving partner for the documents for which the entries were written. | |
Processing Rule | Processing rule for the documents for which the entries were written. | |
User Name | User name associated with the activities for which the entries were written. |