In a search for... | If you select... |
Documents | The Receiver or Sender query field, you can do either of the following: Specify the partners to use in the search. Click Select Partners, use the Keyword or Advanced tab to search for partners, then move the partners you want to find from the Available Partners list to the Selected Partners list. Build a query for partners. This is useful if you plan to save the query and want the search for partners to produce updated results each time the saved transaction search is run. Click Build Partner Search and use the Keyword or Advanced tab to search for partners. Trading Networks shows the results in the Available Partners list. Trading Networks will use all these results for documents, so be sure to tailor your query so that it returns only the partners you want to use. |
Tasks | The Receiver query field, use the Keyword or Advanced tab to search for partners, then move the partners you want to find from the Available Partners list to the Selected Partners list. |
Activity log entries | The Partner query field, use the Keyword or Advanced tab to search for partners, then move the partners you want to find from the Available Partners list to the Selected Partners list. |
Any of the above | A query field other than those listed above, do the following: a. In the Operators list, click the operator to use. b. If necessary, specify a value. You can use the * wildcard to match zero or more characters or ? to match a single character. c. To add another operator and value, click . To finish with the query field, click OK. |