B2B Integration 10.2 | Administering and Monitoring B2B Transactions | Trading Networks Built-In Services Reference | Security Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder | wm.tn.security:updateCertificate
Replaces an existing certificate set with a new certificate set. For example, you might use this service to update an owner’s certificate set when an existing certificate set is about to expire.
Input Parameters
String The internal partner ID of the certificate owner. For signing and verifying certificates, specify the internal partner ID of the sender. For decryption and encryption certificates, specify the internal partner ID of the receiver.
Document The existing certificate information to replace. The document contains the following variables:
Object (optional) A byte array that represents the private key to be replaced.
Object (optional) A byte array that represents the certificate to be replaced.
Object (optional) An array of byte arrays, each of which represents a CA Certificate to be replaced, in node-to-root order.
Object (optional) An array of byte arrays. The first byte array in the array represents cert. The remaining bytes represent CACerts (in the same node-to-root order).
Note: If chainBytes is specified, cert and CACerts values are ignored. If chainBytes is null, both cert and CACerts values are required.
Document The new certificate information for certOwnerId.The document contains the following variables:
Object A byte array that represents the new private key.
Object A byte array that represents the new certificate.
Object An array of byte arrays, each of which represents the CA Certificate, in node-to-root order.
Object (optional) An array of byte arrays. The first byte array in the array represents cert. The remaining bytes represent CACerts (in the same node-to-root order).
Note: If chainBytes is specified, cert and CACerts values are ignored. If chainBytes is null, both cert and CACerts values are required.
Output Parameters
String List (optional) Any errors that occurred while updating the certificate information. Each string in the string list is a separate error that was encountered. The errors variable is not in the pipeline if no errors were found.
Usage Notes
Before you invoke this service, you should back up your database. This service introduces permanent changes to the database as it replaces the existing certificate information with the new certificate information.

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