B2B Integration 10.2 | Administering and Monitoring B2B Transactions | Trading Networks Built-In Services Reference | Doctype Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder | wm.tn.doctype:delete
Deletes an existing TN document type. Optionally, it allows you delete the documents or activity logs associated with the TN document type you are deleting.
Important: This operation is not recoverable.
Input Parameters
String The internal unique identifier of the TN document type that you want to delete.
String (optional) Whether you want this service to automatically delete the documents that are associated with this TN document type. The following values apply:
*true - Delete the documents associated with this TN document type; then it deletes the TN document type.
*false - Default. Do not delete the documents associated with this TN document type. If there are documents associated with this TN document type, this service throws an exception and aborts deleting the TN document type.
String (optional) Whether you want this service to automatically delete the activity logs that are associated with this TN document type. The following values apply:
*true - Delete the activity logs associated with this TN document type; If there are activity logs associated with this TN document type, this service deletes the activity logs.
*false - Default. Do not delete the activity logs associated with this TN document type. If there are activity logs associated with this TN document type, this service throws an exception and aborts deleting the document type.
Output Parameters
String The number of TN document types that the service deleted. The following values indicate:
*1 - The service deleted the TN document type.
*0 - The service did not delete the TN document type.
Usage Notes
*You can use this service to delete any existing TN document types.
*This operation is not recoverable.
*If you set deleteDocuments to true, this service deletes all the documents associated with the TN document type.
*If you set deleteDocuments to false and there are documents associated with the TN document type, this service will throw an exception and abort deleting the TN document type.
*If you set deleteDocuments to false and there are no documents associated with the TN document type, this service deletes the TN document type.
*Before invoking this service, you can manually delete the documents associated with this TN document type by running the wm.tn.doc:deleteDocuments.

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