Field | Description |
Host | In your profile, the host name of your system (for example, In a partner profile, the host name of the partner’s system. |
Port | Port on which the specified host listens for incoming requests. Note: If you do not supply a port number, Trading Networks uses the defaults FTP-21, FTPS-21, HTTP-80, or HTTPS-443. |
Location | Where to deliver documents using this delivery method. For FTP or FTPS, type the directory path to which to deliver documents on the system identified by Host and Port. The file name of the file is the internal ID Trading Networks generates for the document when the document arrives. For XML documents, the file extension is .xml. For flat file documents, the file extension is dat. For HTTP or HTTPS, type the URL to use (for example, cgi-bin/acceptOrder). Trading Networks automatically fills in the Location with /invoke/, the standard URL for document exchange. |
User Name | In a partner profile, the user name Trading Networks should supply to connect to the partner’s system. The user name can be for an Integration Server or My webMethods user account that has partner authority (that is, is a member of the Trading Networks ACL named TNPartners. |
Password | In a partner profile, the password Trading Networks should supply to connect to the partner’s system. Note: Passwords used in scheduled delivery queues (public and private) are stored in the Trading Networks database in binary-encoded form, not in clear text. Since trading partners can create scheduled delivery services, Trading Networks cannot determine which user-defined input variable might be a password, and therefore cannot encrypt passwords used in scheduled delivery queues. |
Protect Data Channel | For FTPS, |
Field | Description |
E-mail | In your profile, the e-mail address to which you want documents delivered (for example, In a partner profile, the e-mail address to which the partner wants documents delivered. If you want to deliver the documents to multiple e-mail addresses, separate the e-mail addresses using a comma. |
Field | Description |
Response Handling | Whether the response received after Web service execution should be: Added to the bizdoc. Select Additional Content Part. Converted into a new document. Select New Document. |
Web Service Connector | Fully qualified name of the Web service connector to use to deliver the document. Click Select. In the Select Web Service Connector dialog box, search for the Web service connector by providing the name of the Integration Server package that contains the Web service connector and the name of the Web service connector namespace. You can provide a string or the entire namespace name. You can use wildcard characters. Then click Search and select the Web service connector from the list. |
Mapping Service | Fully qualified name of the mapping service that provides the input to the Web service connector. Click Select. In the Select Mapping IS Service dialog box, follow the instructions for Web Service Connector, above. |
Output Parameter | In a partner profile, the output parameter of the Web service connector that contains the required response. Click Select and select the required parameter in the Key field. |
Security Options | Certificates to use to secure communication between Trading Networks and the Web service. Select one or more of the options listed below. Secure: Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) while exchanging documents. Sign: Use the private key required to sign the documents being exchanged. Verify: Verify the digital signatures of the documents being exchanged. Encrypt: Encrypt documents being delivered. Decrypt: Decrypt documents received. |
Field | Description |
SFTP User Alias | Specify the SFTP user alias name that you defined on the Integration Server that hosts Trading Networks. You must ensure to use the same SFTP user alias as defined in Integration Server, for Trading Networks to successfully deliver documents to the SFTP server location. You can either make use of an existing SFTP user alias or create a new one on the host Integration Server. Note: If Trading Networks is in a clustered setup, you must also ensure that the SFTP server alias and SFTP user alias with the same name and configuration exists in every Integration Server node in the cluster to avoid misconfiguration. For instructions to create SFTP server and user aliases, refer to the webMethods Integration Server Online Help. |
Location | Type the directory path to which to deliver documents on the system identified by the SFTP server alias. |