Functional permission | Actions this permission grants |
Manage Public Queues | Add, edit, and delete public queues. |
Manage Partner Groups | Add, edit, and delete partner groups. |
Delete Partner Profile | Delete partner profiles. |
Manage Extended Profile Fields | Add, edit, and delete extended fields in profiles. |
Add External ID Types | Create external ID types for use in profiles. |
Show SQL | View the SQL that Trading Networks uses to search the database for data. |
View User Preferences | View user preferences. |
Edit User Preferences | Update user preferences. |
View B2B properties | Configuration properties to view Trading Networks Server. |
Edit B2B properties | Configuration properties to edit Trading Networks Server. |
Query Expiring Certificates | Search for partner certificates that have expired or that will expire soon. |
Manage TN Archiving | Add, edit, and delete the criteria and schedules for archiving and deleting documents. |
Manage Delivery Methods | Add, edit, and delete immediate delivery methods created from the delivery methods that Trading Networks provides (for example, HTTP, FTP, FTPS). If this permission is not assigned, the user can only use the built-in immediate delivery methods and the immediate delivery methods that have been added by users who have this permission. |
Submit Documents to TN | Submit XML documents to your Trading Networks for processing. If you have webMethods Module for EDI installed, you can also submit EDI documents. |
View Transaction Settings | View transaction settings configurations. |
Edit Transaction Settings | Update transaction settings configurations. |