B2B Integration 10.2 | Administering and Monitoring B2B Transactions | webMethods Module for EDI | Generating Acknowledgments | Tracking Late Functional Acknowledgments | Before Tracking Late FAs
Before Tracking Late FAs
Before tracking late FAs, you must define the LateFA variables in the partner-specific EDITPAs in the Trading Partner Agreement Details screen, as follows:
*In the EDITPA where your partner is the receiver, specify the following EDITPA variables:
*LateFA/LateFATime variable
Specify the time in minutes by which Trading Networks must receive the FA for a partner pair.
*LateFA/LateFAForX12Group variables:
*LateFA/LateFAForX12Group/groupType variable
Specify the groups used for tracking late FAs.
*LateFA/LateFAForX12Group/LateFATime variable
Specify the time in minutes by which Trading Networks must receive the FA.
For more information about these variables, see Defining Trading Partner Information.
*In the EDITPA where you are the receiver, set the FAReconciliation EDITPA variable to true so that Module for EDI can map the late FAs to the original document and track the late FAs. If the value of the FAReconciliation EDITPA variable is false, the module cannot track the late FAs.

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