B2B Integration 10.2 | Administering and Monitoring B2B Transactions | webMethods Module for EDIINT | Error Handling | Error Codes
Error Codes
EDIINT.000001.000002E Invalid input for EDIINT large document size {0}.
Explanation:  Number format error while handling large EDI documents. An incorrect value is set for the tn.BigDocThreshold property field.
Action:  Ensure that the value set in the tn.BigDocThreshold property field contains only integers.
EDIINT.000001.000003E Invalid input - {0}.
Explanation:  Generic error during validation of user inputs.
Action:  Ensure that the inputs provided are valid and meet the specifications for the data type. For example, in the case of String, ensure that the input is not null or blank.
EDIINT.000001.000004E Invalid URI - {0}, missing ":".
Explanation:  The URI format does not meet URI specifications.
Action:  Ensure that the URI format meets specifications. For example, localhost:80 is incorrect. http://localhost:80 is correct.
EDIINT.000001.000005E Unrecognized input object - {0} {1}.
Explanation:  The module encountered an incorrect data type.
Action:  Ensure that inputs are one of the following data types: Byte Array, String, or Stream.
EDIINT.000001.000006E messageDigestHolder is empty.
Explanation:  Message digest is missing from the messageDigestHolder collection.
Action:  Ensure that message digest is part of the messageDigestHolder collection.
EDIINT.000001.000008E Invalid AS2 Identifier: [{0}].
Explanation:  The AS2 identifier does not contain valid ASCII characters.
Action:  Ensure that all characters in the AS2 identifier are part of the ASCII character set.
EDIINT.000001.000012E Unsupported protocol - {0}.
Explanation:  The transport protocol used is not supported.
Action:  Ensure that the transport protocol is one of the following: HTTP, FTP, mailto, file.
EDIINT.000002.000003E Cannot register EDIINT Attribute - {0}.
Explanation:  Module for EDIINT is unable to register the specified attribute with Trading Networks.
Action:  Ensure that Trading Networks is installed and running and the Trading Networks pool is created correctly.
EDIINT.000002.000004E Cannot register EDIINT MDN Attribute - {0}.
Explanation:  Module for EDIINT is unable to register the EDIINT MDN Attribute with Trading Networks.
Action:  Ensure that Trading Networks is installed and running and the Trading Networks pool is created correctly.
EDIINT.000002.000012E Error in creating / updating EDIINT MDN BizDocEnvelope - {0}.
Explanation:  EDIINT BizDocEnvelope could not be created or updated.
Action:  Ensure that Trading Networks is installed and running and the Trading Networks pool is created correctly.
EDIINT.000002.000013E Cannot register EDIINT services - {0}.
Explanation:  The module is unable to register services with Trading Networks.
Action:  Ensure that Trading Networks is installed and running and the Trading Networks pool is created correctly.
EDIINT.000002.000014E Cannot register EDIINT Processing rules - {0}.
Explanation:  The module is unable to register processing rules with Trading Networks.
Action:  Ensure that Trading Networks is installed and running and the Trading Networks pool is created correctly.
EDIINT.000002.000020E Cannot get partner's internal ID for {0}, {1}.
Explanation:  The module is unable to retrieve the partner profile from Trading Networks.
Action:  Ensure that Trading Networks is installed and running and the Trading Networks pool and the trading partner profiles are created correctly.
EDIINT.000002.000024E Missing Message-ID.
Explanation:  The message-ID is not present in the EDIINT message.
Action:  See the Trading Networks activity logs of the corresponding error message bizdoc for details.
EDIINT.000002.000025E Document type name must be EDIINT and user status must start with SendMsg:.
Explanation:  The document type name is not EDIINT or the user status does not begin with SendMsg:.
Action:  Ensure that the document type name is EDIINT and the user status begins with SendMsg:.
EDIINT.000002.000026E Cannot relate to submitted payload.
Explanation:  The module is unable to relate the payload to the corresponding bizdoc.
Action:  See the Trading Networks transaction analysis logs to ensure the EDIINT messages are being saved correctly in Trading Networks.
EDIINT.000002.000030E Cannot relate to submitted individual EDI envelope.
Explanation:  The module is unable to relate the bizdoc with envelopeDocuments in the input pipeline.
Action:  Ensure that the pipeline is populated with envelopeDocuments.
EDIINT.000002.000031E Cannot retrieve EDI document summary information - envelopeDocuments.
Explanation:  The module is unable to locate envelopeDocuments and relate it to the bizdoc in the input pipeline.
Action:  Ensure that envelopeDocuments is populated in the pipeline.
EDIINT.000002.000032E Cannot relate the submitted envelope documents at index [{0}] to orignal bizdoc.
Explanation:  The module is unable to locate the envelopeDocument document ID and relate it to the bizdoc in the input pipeline.
Action:  Ensure that document IDs are populated for all the envelopeDocuments in the pipeline.
EDIINT.000002.000033E Cannot retrieve docId from envelopeDocuments.
Explanation:  The module is unable to locate the envelopeDocument document ID and relate it to the current bizdoc in the input pipeline.
Action:  Ensure that document IDs are populated for all envelopeDocuments in the pipeline.
EDIINT.000002.000034E Cannot retrieve EDI BizDocEnvelope {0}.
Explanation:  The module is unable to locate the envelope document in Trading Networks for the input document ID.
Action:  Ensure that the documents in Trading Networks are populated with correct document IDs.
EDIINT.000002.000037E Cannot delete file from User Outbox folder {0}.
Explanation:  The module is unable to delete the file from the User Outbox folder.
Action:  Ensure the correct access permissions to the FTP root directory used by the Integration Server are set for the user.
EDIINT.000002.000038E Cannot delete the file {0} as file name does not start with {1}.
Explanation:  The module is unable to delete the file from the User Outbox folder because the file is named incorrectly.
Action:  Rename the file and delete again.
EDIINT.000002.000062E Cannot create EDIINT ID Types - {0}.
Explanation:  The module is unable to create EDIINT ID types in the Trading Networks database.
Action:  Ensure that Trading Networks is installed and running and the Trading Networks pool is created correctly.
EDIINT.000004.000006E Invalid input entered for getContentLength - {0}.
Explanation:  The input entered for getContentLength is invalid.
Action:  Set getContentLength to either "true" or "false."
EDIINT.000005.000002E Error occurred while loading the EDIINT properties file - {0}.
Explanation:  The module is unable to load the properties.cnf file.
Action:  Ensure that the property.cnf file is present within the configuration folder of the WmEDIINT package and that the correct access permissions are set for the property.cnf file.
EDIINT.000005.000003E EDIINT properties file - '{0}' does not exist.
Explanation:  The module is unable to load the properties.cnf file.
Action:  Ensure that the properties.cnf file is present within the configuration folder of the WmEDIINT package and the correct access permissions are set for the properties.cnf file.
EDIINT.000005.000005E Error occurred while saving the EDIINT properties file - {0}.
Explanation:  The module is unable to save the properties.cnf file.
Action:  Ensure the correct access permissions are set for the configuration folder of the WmEDIINT package.
EDIINT.000005.000007E The WmEDIINT property file {0} does not exist.
Explanation:  The module is unable to find the properties.cnf file in the configuration directory of the WmEDIINT package.
Action:  Ensure that the properties.cnf is present in the configuration directory of the WmEDIINT package.
EDIINT.000005.000008E The WmEDIINT property file {0} is read only.
Explanation:  The module does not have write permission for the properties.cnf file.
Action:  Give the module write permission for the properties.cnf file.
EDIINT.000005.000009E Access denied, as User "{0}" does not have the privilege to view {1}.
Explanation:  User does not have access permission to view the specified properties.
Action:  Set the access permissions to allow the user to view the properties.
EDIINT.000005.000010E Access denied, as User "{0}" does not have the privilege to edit {1}.
Explanation:  User does not have access permission to edit the specified properties.
Action:  Set the access permissions to allow the user to edit the specified properties.
EDIINT.000006.000001E Cannot handle datasource of type: {0}.
Explanation:  mimeSrc is invalid.
Action:  Ensure the MIME data source is either of these two types:1) com.wm.app.tn.mime.MimeData or 2) java.util.InputStream
EDIINT.000006.000002E Datasource is null.
Explanation:  mimeSrc is null.
Action:  Input the correct MIME data source to the service.
EDIINT.000006.000003E Cannot parse the message.
Explanation:  The module is unable to parse the input stream.
Action:  Ensure the input stream is entered correctly.
EDIINT.000006.000004E Cannot process this object. Write this MimeData to stream and then process that stream.
Explanation:  The module is unable to parse the MIME object.
Action:  See the server logs for details. Try writing the mime data to stream and then process the stream.
EDIINT.000006.000005E Input parameter mimeSrc is not of type MimeData.
Explanation:  The input for MimeSrc is not of type MimeData.
Action:  Ensure the input for MimeSrc is of type MimeData.
EDIINT.000006.000007E Cannot process message that is not javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage or javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart. Current message is: {0}
Explanation:  The MIME part of the message is not of type javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage or javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart.
Action:  Ensure the input of the MIME part of the message is either of these two types: 1) javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage or 2) javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart.
EDIINT.000004.000012E Internal Id is null
Explanation:  The internal ID in the input is either null or empty.
Action:  Ensure the correct value for the internalId input parameter is provided.
EDIINT.000004.000011E Content-Range {0} is not in the expected format
Explanation:  The Content-Range is not in the expected format so it cannot be processed.
Action:  Ensure that the correct Content-Length is passed so the correct Content-Range can be generated.
EDIINT.000004.000013E Access denied to do this operation
Explanation:  User does not have privileges to perform this operation.
Action:  Contact the Administrator to obtain privilege.
EDIINT.000004.000014E Exception in portal API {0}
Explanation:  There is an exception in executing the portal API.
Action:  Ensure that the input parameters are set correctly.

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