Logging Cache Manager Activity in the Terracotta Server Array
Ehcache creates additional log files on the server containing log data you can provide to Software AG Global Support for troubleshooting assistance. Ehcache creates these log files in the following situations:
When an
Integration Server in a cluster starts up and connects to the
Terracotta Server Array.
When a public cache manager containing distributed caches reloads or starts up.
You specify where you want
Ehcache to put the log files by setting the watt.server.cachemanager.logsDirectory property on
Integration Server. The default value for this property is
Integration Server_directory \instances\
instance_name\logs\tc-client-logs. For information about how to edit this property, see
Working with Extended Configuration
Note: During start up
Integration Server copies the value of the watt.server.cachemanager.logsDirectory property into the com.softwareag.tc.client.logs.directory property. When you configured the tc-config.xml file for the
Terracotta Server Array, you defined this property for the
<client><logs> setting. For information about configuring the tc-config.xml file, see
Configuring tc-config.xml on the Terracotta Server Array