Hybrid Integration 10.2 | Integrating Cloud Applications on Software AG Hosted Environment | Administering Integration Server | Starting and Stopping the Server | Changing Settings in the Configuration File custom_wrapper.conf
Changing Settings in the Configuration File custom_wrapper.conf
The custom_wrapper.conf, which is used at Integration Server startup, contains configuration settings. You can override these settings for a single Integration Server session by starting Integration Server from the command prompt and using switches to override values in the custom_wrapper.conf file. However, you might want to permanently change some of the configuration values in the custom_wrapper.conf so that all sessions use the modified configuration values.
* To override settings in the configuration file
1. In a text editor, open the custom_wrapper.conf file from the following directory:
Software AG_directory \profiles\IS_instance_name\configuration
where instance_name is the name of the Integration Server instance.
2. Add the following property to custom_wrapper.conf:
where n is the next unused sequential number for the wrapper.app.parameter properties in the file and switch is the switch command.
where n is the sequential number and switch_parameter is the value of the switch.
Most switches require that you add an additional property to custom_wrapper.conf as the very next property in the sequence, as follows:
For example, to change the default port number to 8080, you would enter the following to custom_wrapper.conf:
For more information about the wrapper.app.parameter property, see Software AG Infrastructure Administrator's Guide.
The following table describes the switches you can use to override settings in the configuration file:
Specifies the port on which the server listens for HTTP requests. If you add a wrapper.app.parameter property to custom_wrapper.conf for the -port switch, you must also add a wrapper.app.parameter property in which you specify the TCP/IP port number to use.
The first wrapper.app.parameter property specifies that you want to override the port by using the -port switch, and the next wrapper.app.parameter property specifies the port number to use. For example:
Note: Keep the following points in mind when overriding the port number:
*This switch overrides the value assigned to watt.server.port.
*The -port switch permanently adds a new HTTP port to the WmRoot package. This new port is added as the primary port and contains default values. If a port with the same TCP/IP number already exists in the WmRoot package, the -port switch overrides its settings with the new default values. In effect, deleting the existing port and then adding a new port with default settings.
*To use port 80 (the standard for HTTP) or port 443 (the standard for HTTPS), UNIX users must be running as "root." For security reasons, a better method is to use a higher number port (5555 for HTTP and 8080 for HTTPS), and if necessary have the firewall remap port 80 to the desired port. See Architecture for a discussion of remapping ports.
Specifies the level of detail you want the server to maintain in its server log for this session. The -debug switch overrides the value specified for the Default facility on the Settings > Logging page and assigned to watt.debug.level.
If you add a wrapper.app.parameter property to custom_wrapper.conf for the -debug switch, you must also add a wrapper.app.parameter property in which you specify the level of detail you want to record in the log. You can specify the following levels:
To record...
Fatal messages only.
Error and fatal messages.
Warning, error, and fatal messages.
Informational, warning, error, and fatal messages.
Debug, informational, warning, error, and fatal messages.
Trace, debug, informational, warning, error, and fatal messages.
The first wrapper.app.parameter property specifies that you want to override the debug level by specifying the -debug switch, and the next wrapper.app.parameter property specifies the level of detail you want to record in the log. For example:
Note: Prior to Integration Server 7.1, Integration Server used a number-based system to set the level of debug information written to the server log. Integration Server maintains backward compatibility with this system. For more information about the number-based logging levels, see the description of the watt.debug.level property in Server Configuration Parameters.
Specifies where you want the server to write its server log information for this session. If you add a wrapper.app.parameter property to custom_wrapper.conf for the -log switch, you must also add a wrapper.app.parameter property in which you specify the destination of the log information. You can specify the following destinations:
Specify the fully qualified path to the file in which you want the server to write server log information for this session. The default is serveryyyymmdd.log.
Display server log information on the computer screen. When you use this option, the server records a timestamp in the journal log file, but does not record any other log information in the file.
The first wrapper.app.parameter property specifies that you want to override the destination of the log information by specifying the -log switch, and the next wrapper.app.parameter property specifies either the complete path for the home directory or none. For example:
Note: This switch overrides the value assigned to watt.debug.logfile for this session.
Specifies that Integration Server starts the server in quiesce mode. When you add a wrapper.app.parameter property to custom_wrapper.conf for the -quiesce switch, Integration Server starts in quiesce mode. The -quiesce switch does not require an additional wrapper.app.parameter property. For example:
For more information about quiesce mode, see Quiescing the Server for Maintenance.
3. In the custom_wrapper.conf, update the wrapper.app.parameter.2 property to reflect the total number of wrapper.app.parameter properties that you added in the previous steps.
For example, if wrapper.app.parameter.2 is set to 4 (the default) and you add two wrapper.app.parameter properties, you would increase the value of wrapper.app.parameter.2 by two. After making your edits, the wrapper.app.parameter.2 would appear as follows:
For more information about the wrapper.app.parameter property, see Software AG Infrastructure Administrator's Guide.
4. Save and close custom_wrapper.conf.

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