Hybrid Integration 10.2 | Integrating Cloud Applications on Software AG Hosted Environment | Administering Integration Server | Using Integration Server with Docker | Pushing a Docker Image to an On-Premise Docker Registry
Pushing a Docker Image to an On-Premise Docker Registry
You can push the Docker image created for an on-premise Integration Server to an on-premise Docker registry using the pushImage command.
* To push a Docker image to an on-premise Docker registry
*Run the pushImage command below
is_container.sh pushImage required arguments[optional argument]
-Duser= userID
User ID to access the registry.
-Dpassword= password
Optional. Password to access the registry. If you do not supply the password using this argument, you will be prompted for it when the pushImage command executes.
-Dserver= registry_URL
URL of the registry.
Example: docker.io
-Drepository.name= repository_name
Name of the repository into which to push the image.
-Dimage.name= Docker_ image_name
Name of the Docker image to push, such as the Integration Server image is:microPkg.

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