webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Administering and Monitoring Business Processes | Working with webMethods Mobile Business Console | General Features | Working with URL Schemata
Working with URL Schemata
You can use URL schemata to start webMethods Mobile Business Console on your device with prefilled login data, to open a specific task, or to open a specific process. You can do this either by clicking a HTML link based on the URL schema that was sent to you by email or by text message, or by entering the URL schema in your browser (Android only).
To start the application with prefilled login data, use the following URL schema:
After clicking the HTML link or entering the URL schema in your browser, you will be asked to accept the prefilled data. If you accept, the current user will be logged out of the application, and the login data transmitted in the URL schema will be entered as login credentials.
To open a specific task, use the following URL schema:
After clicking the HTML link or entering the URL schema in your browser, the Task Details panel will be opened.
To open a specific process, use the following URL schema:
After clicking the HTML link or entering the URL schema in your browser, the Process Details panel will be opened.

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