webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Administering and Monitoring Business Processes | webMethods Monitor User’s Guide | Configuring Monitor | Granting Users Access to Monitor | Identifying the Audit Data on Which Users Can Perform Actions
Identifying the Audit Data on Which Users Can Perform Actions
How Data-Level Security Works with Functional Privileges
Enabling Data-Level Security
Identifying Processes, Services, and/or Documents on Which a Role Can Act
My webMethods Server administrators can limit the types of data that a user can view or manage. This type of access control is referred to as data-level security. If a user belongs to more than one role, that user has access to all of the types of data and functions granted to all of the roles of which that user is a member.
To limit access to audit data on a role basis, you must:
*Enable data security as described in Enabling Data-Level Security.
*Configure role access to available process audit data, as described in Identifying Processes, Services, and/or Documents on Which a Role Can Act.

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