webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Administering and Monitoring Business Processes | webMethods Monitor User’s Guide | Service Monitoring | Viewing Detailed Information for a Service
Viewing Detailed Information for a Service
You can view detailed information for the services that Monitor displays in the search results on the Services page. In the search results, locate the service for which to view details and click View Detail. Monitor displays the Service Detail page.
On the Service Information panel, Monitor displays information that identifies the service, as follows:
Service Name
Fully-qualified name of the service.
Root Context ID
Context ID of the root-level service.
Parent Context ID
Context ID of the service that invoked the service, which is referred to as the parent service. The parent context ID can be the same as the root context ID.
Context ID
Context ID of the service.
Custom Context ID
Custom value set for the context ID of the service using the pub.flow:setCustomContextID service.
Server ID
DNS name and port number of the Integration Server on which the service ran or is running.
User name of the user who invoked the service.
Date and time on which the activity indicated by Current Status (for example, Failed) was logged.
Current Status
Current status of the service. For more information, see Service Statuses.
Error Message
Most recent error message associated with the service. Monitor displays the Error Message field only if the Current Status is Failed.
Root Service
Fully qualified name of the root service of the service whose details Monitor is displaying.
Parent Services
Fully qualified name of all the service that directly invoked the service whose details Monitor is displaying.
The History panel shows the statuses the service has gone through and the date and time each status occurred. For a list of statuses, see Service Statuses.
If a service logged user-defined messages by calling the pub.prt.log:logActivityMessages service, the Activity Messages panel shows the date and time a message was logged, the type of the message (that is error, warning, or message), and a brief and long version of the text of the message.
If a service has been resubmitted, the Control Actions panel shows information about the resubmission. The panel shows the date and time the service was resubmitted, the action taken, the user name of the user who resubmitted the service, and the Integration Server on which the service was resubmitted.
Note: Each time a service is resubmitted, the Integration Server assigns that service a new context ID.
If the service logged run-time values for custom fields, the Logged Fields panel shows the date and time the custom field was logged, the input or output parameter of the service for which run-time values were logged, and the name and value of the custom logged field.
If errors occurred while a service was running, the Service Errors panel shows the date and time each error was logged and a description of the error.

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