webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Administering and Monitoring Business Processes | Closed Loop Analytics Help | Reviewing Processes on the Business Process Dashboards | Accessing the Business Process Dashboards
Accessing the Business Process Dashboards
You can access the dashboards from My webMethods or the webMethods Business Console.
* To access the dashboards:
1. In My webMethods: Applications > Monitoring > Business > Process Dashboards. In the webMethods Business Console, select the Analytics tab.
The Overview dashboard is displayed.
2. From the tabs at the top of the page, select the dashboard you want to view.
3. From the drop-down box in the upper left hand portion of the page, select the process you want to examine.
Note: The drop-down list displays processes that are "enabled for analysis" in Optimize. If a process is not enabled for analysis, it will not appear in the list.
4. From the choices listed above the dashboard, select the time range you want to apply.
Note: The caption beneath the time-range options displays the exact start and end time of the time range you have selected or specified.
5. If you click the Custom button to specify a custom time range, a calendar/clock selector is displayed that enables you to specify any start and end date/time range that you wish. You can select calendar dates and times down to the minute. The time selector also contains a Now button that enables you to set either the start or end time to the current date/time. When a custom time range has been selected and is active, the Custom selection above the dashboard is highlighted.
The dashboards are updated to display the appropriate data for the specified time range.

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