webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Administering and Monitoring Business Processes | webMethods Monitor User’s Guide | Archiving Data Using Partitions | Overview of Using Partitions for Process Audit Log Data | Configuring Partitions
Configuring Partitions
You can define as few or as many partitions as you require based on your data volume and archiving needs.
Note: If you are have implemented partitioning in a previous version of Monitor and plan to upgrade to the current version, you must first migrate your ProcessAudit schema to the current version using the Database Component Configurator tool. You can then use the provided partition scripts to partition the ProcessAudit schema.
To create and manage partitions for Process Audit Log data, refer the readme.txt file for your database in the following directories:
*For Oracle: < Software AG_directory >\common\db\scripts\oracle\processaudit\75\ partition_support
*For IBM DB2: < Software AG_directory >\common\db\scripts\db2\processaudit\75\ partition_support
*For Microsoft SQL: < Software AG_directory >\common\db\scripts\mssql\processaudit\75\ partition_support

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