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About the Escalation Workflow
Triggering the Escalation Workflow
Closed Loop Analytics includes a pre-defined escalation workflow. Within this escalation workflow, you can create a task that can be assigned to one or more My webMethods Server users, enabling them to take action in response to the escalated event.
When starting the workflow, the data is passed as an EDA event to the Rules Engine via the Event Bus.
The Rules Engine:
*Receives the EDA event (external event).
*The event triggers the execution of three rules in the decision table ProcessEscalationDecisionTable: Set TaskAssignee to Administrator if no assignee is specified; set DueDateOffset to 48 hours and initialize DueDate if no due date is specified; and StartEscalationProcess.
*The StartEscalationProcess action sends an escalation document to the Process Engine and triggers a process instance of the process model ProcessEscalation.
The Process Engine:
*Receives and gets triggered by the escalation document (JMS).
*Runs an instance of the process model ProcessEscalation.
*Starts a user task instance of task type EscalationTask. It is assigned to the assignee specified by the originator of the escalation or to the assignee specified by the decision table (Administrator).
*If the task is completed by due date, the escalation workflow is closed. Otherwise the originator of the escalation is notified by email that the task is not completed.
The Task Engine:
*Assigns, initializes and executes a new user task instance of task type EscalationTask.
*The task assignee can accept and complete the task in time. Otherwise the task expires on due date.

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