webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Administering and Monitoring Business Processes | webMethods Audit Logging Guide | Types of Audit Logs | Globalization
If a webMethods product is equipped with webMethods language packs and some of those language packs correspond to the language used by the operating environment in which the product is running, the product writes its log entries in the language used by the operating system. If the product is equipped with no language packs or with language packs that do not correspond to the language used by the operating system, the product writes its log entries in U.S. English.
Suppose your operating environment uses Japanese as its language. You have installed language packs including the Japanese Language Packs on Integration Server, so Integration Server stores its own log entries in Japanese. You have not installed the Japanese Language packs on Trading Networks, so Integration Server stores Trading Networks log entries in U.S. English.
Note: Even if no language packs are installed on the webMethods product and the product is using U.S. English, Integration Server might store log entries from external sources, such as database drivers or adapter resources, in the language used by the operating environment in which the product is running.

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