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Default Escalation Rule Project
The default rule project processes the following data:
User ID for the individual who originated the escalation action.
Text comments added to the escalation event by the originator as well as process activity criteria (as shown in the following list) and dashboard specific process activity metrics.
*Process Name: The name of the process relevant to the escalation action.
*Process ID: The ID of the process relevant to the escalation action.
*Start Time: The beginning time of the process data being displayed.
*End Time: The end time of the process data being displayed.
The time at which the escalation action was created on the originator’s computer.
User ID of the individual who is assigned a task related to the escalation action.
Date by which the appropriate action should be completed.
The URL of the process dashboards for the time and state when the escalation action was generated. This URL enables the assignee to view the dashboards as the originator saw them.
The name of the process relevant to the escalation action.
The ID of the process relevant to the escalation action. The ID is composed of the folder/path and process name from Software AG Designer.
The starting time and date as displayed on the dashboards when the escalation event was generated.
The ending time and date as displayed on the dashboards when the escalation action was generated.
The name of the dashboard panel from which the escalation action was originated.
The following three rules are applied to the data:
*If TaskAssignee=EMPTY STRING then set TaskAssignee to Administrator.
*If DueDate=NULL then set DueDate to 48 [hours] and initialize GetDueDate action.
*Initialize StartEscalationProcess action.

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