webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Administering and Monitoring Business Processes | Working with webMethods Mobile Business Console | Working Offline | Reviewing and Synchronizing Changes
Reviewing and Synchronizing Changes
When you returned to online mode, you are prompted to synchronize or dismiss the modifications you made while working offline.
* To review and synchronize any pending changes:
1. In the Back Online! pop-up window, select Synchronize to open the Modified Tasks panel, or select Dismiss All to dismiss the modifications you made.
2. In the Modified Tasks panel, all modified tasks are listed. Each list item states the task name, task ID and number of changes made. If you click a number, the View Changes panel opens and lists all changes made to this task. You can undo any change by clicking .
3. After you reviewed the modifications, click the arrow in the upper left corner of the View Changes panel to navigate back to the Modified Tasks panel.
4. In the Modified Tasks panel, click in the upper right corner to synchronize the tasks.
If the tasks were successfully synchronized, a confirmation message is displayed; otherwise an error message is shown.

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