webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Administering and Monitoring Business Processes | Task Engine User’s Guide | Managing Tasks from the Task List Management Page | Managing Tasks | Deleting a Task
Deleting a Task
Process Implications When Deleting a Task
You can delete a running task (also known as a task instance) on the Task List Management page.
Important: When you delete a task, the running task is removed from all task inboxes and is no longer in the system. A deleted task cannot be restored. Exercise caution when deleting Active tasks; for more information, see Process Implications When Deleting a Task.
This action does not delete the task type from My webMethods. To accomplish this, see Deleting a Task Type from My webMethods Server. Tasks can also be deleted with the scheduled global Delete Task Rule. For more information, see Managing Global Rules.
* To delete a running task
1. In My webMethods: Navigate > Applications > Monitoring > Business > Tasks > Task List Management.
2. Select the task or tasks you want to delete.
3. Click Delete. A confirmation dialog appears.
4. Click Delete.
The deleted task is removed from all locations where the task is viewed.

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