webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Administering and Monitoring Business Processes | Task Engine User’s Guide | Working with Tasks in My webMethods | Other Task Actions | Completing a Task
Completing a Task
After you carry out all of the activities required by a task, you must indicate that the task is complete.
Note: It is possible for the task developer to include logic in the task to move the task to Completed status upon the matching of a defined condition. In this case, manual completion is not necessary.
* To complete a task
1. In My webMethods: Navigate > Applications > Monitoring > Business > Tasks.
2. Click My Inbox or a task type inbox.
3. Locate and open the task you want to work with.
4. Make any final modifications to the task as required.
5. On the Data View tab of the Details page, click Complete.
Your changes to the task are saved and the task is removed from all of your inboxes, and the inboxes of any other users to whom it has been assigned. The task status displays the Complete icon in the Task List Management Tasks panel for all users to whom the task has been assigned. If the task is part of an automated process, the process receives the task completion information and continues on to the next step. No further work on the task is possible.

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