webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Administering and Monitoring Business Processes | Working with My webMethods | Viewing and Updating Your My webMethods Profile | Calendars
Defining Your Business Calendar
Viewing Your Personal User Calendar
The My webMethods profile contains calendar information that the Task Engine uses to assist with task definition and behavior.
The two types of calendars are business calendars and user calendars.
*Business calendars define standard business days and hours for your organization, including holidays, weekends, and other times when your organization is not conducting business. An administrator configures the business calendars. For example, an administrator might configure a business calendar for normal business hours of Monday through Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Eastern Standard time.
An administrator can configure multiple business calendars. For example, if your organization has different shifts, an administrator can configure a business calendar for each shift. Another reason for multiple business calendars might be if your organization spans multiple time zones; an administrator can configure a business calendar for each time zone.
If an administrator has configured business calendars, in your My webMethods profile, you can select the business calendar that best fits your working hours so that the Task Engine can determine your business hours and schedule tasks accordingly. For instructions, see Defining Your Business Calendar.
*User calendars are calendars that a third-party application maintains, for example, a Microsoft Outlook calendar or Lotus Notes calendar. An administrator must configure the My webMethods Server so that it can access the user calendars. You maintain your calendar in the third-party application to define your availability. As a result, the Task Engine can determine your individual availability when scheduling tasks. Also, you can view a read-only version of your calendar within My webMethods. For instructions, see Viewing Your Personal User Calendar.l
Note: If an administrator configures the use of user calendars, you can also use the User Calendar tool in a workspace to display your availability or the availability of another My webMethods user by adding a user calendar to a workspace. For more information, see User Calendar Tool.

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