webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Administering and Monitoring Business Processes | Working with webMethods Business Console | Administering Business Console | Customizing Business Console Using Gadgets | MashZone NextGen Gadgets
MashZone NextGen Gadgets
One or more Business Console instances can recognize a MashZone NextGen instance as an authentic source of information. This two-way communication takes place using SAML authentication. A MashZone NextGen gadget that is created in Business Console renders the information from a MashZone NextGen instance.
Additionally, two or more MashZone NextGen gadgets can communicate with each other on Business Console provided they have a common entity in the data set. For example, if there are two disparate data sets such as (city, average age of people) and (city, average income of people) with one or more common entities such as the city name, then these two data sets can be mapped and configured to communicate with each other based on the city entity in both. The data mapping of a gadget is done by identifying the data mapping parameters in a MashZone NextGen chart. Although these data sets have different representations such as a pie chart or a data grid and so on in the MashZone NextGen instance, they can seamlessly communicate with each other on Business Console.
You need to configure the host and the port numbers of Business Console in the content security policy file in the MashZone NextGen installation. See the MashZone NextGen User and Developer Guide for steps to perform this configuration task.

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