webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Administering and Monitoring Business Processes | Working with webMethods Business Console | About Tasks | Collaborating Task Activities | Creating an Instant Task | New Instant Task
New Instant Task
Instant Task Type
Select a task type for the instant task.
Type a name for the task.
Type a description for the task.
Select the priority for the task.
Expiry Date
Select the expiry date for the task.
Assign To
Select the user to whom you want to assign the task.
Queue Task Immediately
Select this option if you want the task to start immediately after creation. Otherwise, the task is deferred to start later.
The task status is New if the task is not specified to start immediately. Immediately after the task starts, the task status transitions from New to Active.
Select this option if this is a mandatory task. If a task is specified as mandatory, the parent task cannot be marked as completed unless the mandatory child task status is Completed, Error, Canceled, or Expired.

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Innovation Release