webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Administering and Monitoring Business Processes | Working with webMethods Business Console | About Tasks | Managing Tasks | Scheduling Tasks | My Calendar
My Calendar
My Calendar displays your scheduled tasks. Additionally, you can search for tasks based on their date property such as creation date, last updated date, accepted date, and expiry date.
My calendar displays the current month by default. However, you can navigate to other months if needed. My Calendar indicates the current date in gray color, and your scheduled tasks and task search results are indicated in blue color.
The following table lists the operations you can perform in My calendar:
Refresh the calendar to display the latest changes
Click Refresh.
Search for tasks
For more information about searching tasks, see Searching for Tasks using My Calendar.
Identify the dates you have scheduled tasks
Look for dates colored blue. Dates marked with darker shades of blue indicate that multiple tasks are scheduled for those dates.
View which tasks are scheduled to start on a date
Click the date marked for scheduled tasks and view the scheduled task list.
View details, reschedule, or edit details of a scheduled task
1. Click the date marked for the scheduled task.
2. Click on the task ID of the task to view the task details page.
For information about task details, see Task Properties.
View the current month if you have scrolled to other months
Click Today.
Navigate to the next month
Click .
Navigate to the previous month
Click .

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