webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Administering and Monitoring Business Processes | Working with webMethods Business Console | About Tasks | Searching for Task Instances | Using Saved Searches
Using Saved Searches
You can save a search criteria for tasks and reuse the saved searches in Business Console or My webMethods.
In Business Console, the functionality to create, modify, delete, and reuse public and private task searches is available in the task lists viewed through Work Stream, My Inbox, or a custom inbox.
A private saved search is available only to the user who created the saved search. Public saved searches are available to all Task Engine users. A saved search can be made available in the task list of a specific task type or in all task lists.
Saved searches can be used for customizing task keylinks and for charting.
Perform these steps...
Create a new saved search
1. Click in the search field of a task list.
2. Click the Create New Search tab.
3. Select the fields and criteria for the search.
Click + to add more criteria for the search. Click - to remove a search criteria.
4. Click Save Search.
5. Provide a name and description for the search criteria.
6. Select whether you want the new search to be available to all users (Public), or to you only (Private). By default, the saved searches are private, and available only to user who created the saved search.
7. Select whether the new search should be available in all task lists or only to the current task type.
8. Click Save.
Use a saved search
1. Click in the search field of a task list.
2. Click the Saved Searches tab.
3. Select a saved search from the list.
Click Show Details to view the search criteria of a saved search.
4. Click Go.
Modify a saved search
1. Click in the search field of a task list.
2. Click the Saved Searches tab.
3. Select the saved search that you want to modify.
Click Show Details to view the search criteria of the saved search.
4. Select the fields and criteria for the search.
Click + to add more criteria for the search. Click - to remove a search criteria.
5. Click Update Saved Search.
Delete a saved search
1. Click in the search field of a task list.
2. Click the Saved Searches tab.
3. Select a saved search that you want to delete.
Click Show Details to view the search criteria of the saved search.
4. Click Delete.
Clear a custom search
Remove “Custom search applied” from the search field.

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