webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Administering and Monitoring Business Processes | Working with webMethods Business Console | Administering Business Console | Customizing Business Console Using Gadgets | Case Related Gadgets
Case Related Gadgets
Case Activity
Displays a list of activities associated with a case instance.
Gadget Setting
Case Type ID
The type of case.
Case Instance ID
The Instance ID of the case.
Case Business Data
Displays the business data or summary or both for a case instance.
Gadget Setting
Case Type ID
The type of case.
Case Instance ID
The Instance ID of the case for which the information must be retrieved.
Show Buisness Data
Displays the business data of a case instance in the Business Data tab.
Show Case Summary
Displays the case details in the Summary tab.
Case Comments
Displays comments for a case or an activity associated with a case.
Gadget Setting
Specify whether you want to view comments for a case or activity.
Case Instance ID
The Instance ID of the case for which the information must be retrieved.
Activity ID
The ID of the activity associated with a case. The field appears when you select Activity in the Type field.
Subscribed Event
Loads the comments for an activity.
Case Details Header
Displays the header of a case. The header contains the case ID, actions, status, and duration.
Gadget Setting
Case Type ID
The type of case.
Case Instance ID
The Instance ID of the case.
Produced Event
Following are the input parameters in the payload (payLoad.<parameter>):
* Parameter
* Description
Case Instance ID.
Triggered when a case instance is deleted.
Case Lookup
Search for case related objects such as users, accounts, and other objects.
Subscribed Event
Following are the input parameters in the payload (payLoad.<parameter>):
* Parameter
* Description
Type of object to search. For example, user, account, owner, or any other object.
(optional) A unique ID of the field to update.
(optional) The text or keyword to use for searching.
(optional) The page number to search.
(optional) The maximum number of search results.
Used for searching a case object.
Produced Event
Following are the output parameters in the payload (payLoad.<parameter>):
* Parameter
* Description
The name of the selected object.
Metadata about the selected object.
Triggered to send the details of the selected case object from the gadget.
Workflow and Activity Status
Displays the status of a case and its activities.
Gadget Setting
Case Type ID
The type of case.
Case Instance ID
The Instance ID of the case.
Case Summary
Displays the summary of a case instance.
Gadget Setting
The type of case.
Case Instance ID
The Instance ID of the case.
Case Task Business Data
Displays the business data of an activity associated with a case.
Gadget Setting
Case Type ID
The type of case.
Case Instance ID
The Instance ID of the case.
Activity ID
The Instance ID of the activity associated with a case.
Subscribed Event
Loads the business data of an activity associated with a case.
Case Task Details Header
Displays the header for an activity associated with a case. The header contains the Activity ID, actions, status, and priority.
Gadget Setting
Case Type ID
The type of case.
Case Instance ID
The Instance ID of the case.
Activity ID
The Instance ID of the activity associated with a case.
Produced Event
Following is the output parameter in the payload (payLoad.<parameter>):
* Parameter
* Description
Activity Instance ID
Triggered when an activity is deleted.
Subscribed Event
Loads the header of an activity associated with a case.
Case Task Summary
Displays the summary of an activity associated with a case.
Gadget Setting
Case Type ID
The type of case.
Case Instance ID
The Instance ID of the case.
Activity ID
The Instance ID of the activity associated with a case.
Subscribed Event
Loads the business data of an activity associated with a case.
Case Workflows
Displays a list of process instances associated with a case.
Gadget Setting
Case Type ID
The type of case.
Case Instance ID
The Instance ID of the case.
Create Instance
Creates a new case or activity.
Gadget Setting
Specify whether you want to create a new case or activity.
Case Type ID
The type of case.
Case Instance ID
The Instance ID of the case in which you can create the activity. The field appears when you select Activity in the Type field.
Hours Logged
Displays the hours logged for a case.
Gadget Setting
Case Type ID
The type of case.
Case Instance ID
The Instance ID of the case.
Workflow Diagram
Displays the process diagram that represents the status of a process associated with a case.
Gadget Setting
Workflow ID
The Instance ID of a workflow.

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