webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Administering and Monitoring Business Processes | Working with webMethods Business Console | Administering Business Console | Configuring To-Do List Setting
Configuring To-Do List Setting
Only users with administrator privileges can use the Administer Business Console menu option to configure to-do lists.
Configure to-do lists using the settings listed in the table below. For information about creating to-do lists with or without templates, see Using To-Do Lists.
Maximum number of rows per to-do list template
The maximum number of rows you can add to a to-do list template.
Tip: If the number of child tasks that you want to add to a to-do list is more than the maximum number of rows allowed in the to-do list template, you can add the additional child tasks to the to-do list by using the same template and the same parent task ID while performing another to-do list creation operation.
Allow tags for to-do list
Whether or not you can use tags for to-do lists.
Using tags, you can search the to-do lists or the parent task of to-do lists.
You can view the tag of a to-do list in the task detail page of the to-do list task.
Default tag for to-do list
The default tag for to-do lists.
Enable to-do list polling
Whether or not to poll Task Engine for the status of to-do lists.
If you have enabled to-do list polling, when you start a to-do list, Business Console polls the Task Engine in regular intervals and displays the updated status of the start operation in the To-Do List dialog. If you want to stop polling that has been going on for a long time, click at the end of the polling progress bar.
You can disable to-do list polling to avoid frequent polling of Task Engine. If you have disabled to-do list polling, Refresh polling icon is available on the To-Do List dialog for starting manual polling.

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