For this parameter... | Specify... |
Host Name/IP Address | The host name or IP address of the machine where the CentraSite server is installed and running. |
Port | The port to which the CentraSite SNMP listener is bound. The value must match the value of the property in CentraSite's Event Listener configuration file <CentraSite_directory>/cast/cswebapps/SOALinkSNMPEventsListener/WEB-INF/web.xml. The default is 8181. Note: If Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) is installed (or is installed) on the same machine hosting Integration Server/Mediator, then you may want to change the default SNMP port of 8181 to something else, to avoid any potential runtime conflicts when sending SNMP packets. |
Transport | The protocol used by SNMP to send traps. The value must match the value of the property transport in CentraSite's Event Listener configuration file <CentraSite_directory>/cast/cswebapps/SOALinkSNMPEventsListener/WEB-INF/web.xml. Valid values are TCP (default) and UDP. |
User Name | The SNMPv3 user name to use when connecting to the receiver. The value must match the value of the property securityName in CentraSite's Event Listener configuration file <CentraSite_directory>/cast/cswebapps/SOALinkSNMPEventsListener/WEB-INF/web.xml. |
Use Authorization (optional) | Whether an authorization key is required. It is set to off by default. You cannot edit the authorization fields unless Use Authorization is selected. |
Authorization Password / Retype Authorization Password | The key to be used for authorization. The value must match the value of the property PassPhraseKey in CentraSite's Event Listener configuration file <CentraSite_directory>/cast/cswebapps/SOALinkSNMPEventsListener/WEB-INF/web.xml. |
Authorization Protocol | The authorization protocol to use. The value must match the value of the property Protocol in CentraSite's Event Listener configuration file <CentraSite_directory>/cast/cswebapps/SOALinkSNMPEventsListener/WEB-INF/web.xml. Valid values are MD5 (default) or SHA. |
Use Privacy (optional) | Whether a privacy (encryption) key is required. It is set to off by default. You cannot edit the privacy fields unless Use Privacy is selected. |
Privacy Password / Retype Privacy Password | The key to be used for privacy. The value must match the value of the property PassPhraseKey in CentraSite's Event Listener configuration file <CentraSite_directory>/cast/cswebapps/SOALinkSNMPEventsListener/WEB-INF/web.xml. |
Privacy Protocol | The privacy protocol to use. The value must match the value of the property Protocol in CentraSite's Event Listener configuration file <CentraSite_directory>/cast/cswebapps/SOALinkSNMPEventsListener/WEB-INF/web.xml. Valid values are DES (default), AES128, AES192, AES256, 3DES, and DESEDE. |