Event Type | Description |
Error | Select to publish Error events. An Error event occurs each time an invocation of a virtual service results in an error. |
Lifecycle | Select to publish Lifecycle events. A Lifecyle event occurs each time Mediator starts or shuts down. |
Policy Violation | Select to publish Policy Violation events. A Policy Violation event occurs each time an invocation of a virtual service violates a run-time policy that was set for the virtual service. |
Event Type | Description |
Name | The name of the API Portal instance. |
URL | The URL of the API Portal, for example, http://hostname:portnumber or https://IP-address:portnumber |
Tenant | An instance of API Portal. |
User Name | The API Portal user name that Mediator must use to access API Portal. If you are using the Operating System auth mechanism, use the following format for the user name: API-Portal-Host-Name\API-Portal-user-name. |
Password | The API Portal password that Mediator must use to access API Portal. |
Retype Password | Retype the password entered in the Password field. |