Field | Description |
Port | Specifies the protocol to use for this port. Available values are: HTTP, HTTPS. |
Alias | Specifies an alias for the port. An alias must be between 1 and 255 characters in length and include one or more of the following: letters (a -z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), underscore (_), period (.), and hyphen (-). |
Description (optional) | A description of the port. |
Bind address (optional) | Specifies the IP address to which to bind this port. Specify a bind address if your machine has multiple IP addresses and you want the port to use this specific address. If you do not specify a bind address, API Gateway selects one for you. |
Backlog | Specifies the number of requests that can remain in the queue for an enabled port before API Gateway begins rejecting requests. The default is 200. The maximum value is 65535. |
Keep alive timeout | Specifies when to close the connection if the server has not received a request from the client within this timeout value (in milliseconds) or when to close the connection if the client has explicitly placed a close request with the server. |