Column | Data Type | Description |
EVENT_PK | NUMBER | Sequential primary key. Constraint required. |
SESSION_ID | VARCHAR2(128) | Session token. This is the IS session token or a GUID if the token is missing from the message context. |
SERVICE_NAME | VARCHAR2(256) | Virtual service name. Constraint required. |
SERVICE_VERSION | VARCHAR2(256) | Version of a virtual service or an API. By default, for every version of a virtual service a system version number is generated. At the same time, user can also provide a version number which is set as a user version. Note: If the version specified by a user is available for the virtual service then this column contains the user version else this column contains the system version. |
OPERATION_NAME | VARCHAR2(256) | Virtual service operation hosting the invocation. If this is a near real-time event, the VS operation name for the service invocation is included in the event, however, if this is an aggregated event produced at the end of a policy's interval, no specific operation name is associated with the event. Constraint required. |
NATIVE_ENDPOINT | VARCHAR2(4000) | This column is currently not used. It appears as NULL or as an empty string. |
BINDING_NAME | VARCHAR2(256) | This column is currently not used. It appears as NULL or as an empty string. |
TARGET_NAME | VARCHAR2(64) | The target name specified in the Integration Server Administrator's Solutions > Mediator > Administration > CentraSite Communication page. |
CONSUMER_NAME | VARCHAR2(128) | Comma-separated consumer names identified based on the policy that triggered the event. |
CONSUMER_IP | VARCHAR2(64) | Consumer IP. |
CONSUMER_ID | VARCHAR2(256) | The system generated consumer application ID. |
EVENT_CREATE_TS | TIMESTAMP(6) | Timestamp when the event was created by the virtual service runtime. This is not the time the database performed its insert (for example, this is calculated by the Mediator policy engine and not a database function). |
EVENT_SOURCE | VARCHAR2(80) | This column is currently not used. It appears as NULL or as an empty string. |
ALERT_SOURCE | VARCHAR2(256) | The Mediator policy name that produced the event. Currently it is same as EVENT_SOURCE. |
ALERT_TYPE | VARCHAR2(128) | PolicyViolation. |
ALERT_DESC | VARCHAR2(256) | The alert message defined in the runtime policy action. |
EVENT_USERNAME | VARCHAR2(80) | The Integration Server user that executed the service. If the user cannot be determined for the service request, Integration Server uses a default unprivileged user. So this field must never be NULL for near real-time events. However, if this is an aggregated event produced at the end of a policy's interval, no specific user name is associated with the event. |