If you want to... | Command |
Backup data | apigatewayUtil.bat create backup -name <backupFilename> |
Backup custom data | apigatewayUtil.bat create backup -name <backupFile_name> -include <reference name> where reference name can be analytics for analytics or assets for assets data. |
Delete the backed up data | apigatewayUtil.bat delete backup -name <backupFile_name> |
Restore the backed up data | apigatewayUtil.bat restore backup -name <backupFile_name> |
To retrieve all available backup files in the repository | apigatewayUtil.bat list backup |
Delete a repository from API Gateway | apigatewayUtil.bat delete manageRepo |
To retrieve all available repositories | apigatewayUtil.bat list manageRepo |
To configure a repository in S3 | apigatewayUtil.bat configure manageRepo -file <file_path> |
Backup configurations and data | apigw-backup-tenant.bat -backupDestinationDirectory <directory_path_to_store_backup_file> -backupFileName <backup_file_name_without_spaces> -backupTemplate <file_path_to_backup_template> -packagesTemplate <file_path_to_packages_template> -help |
Restore the backed up configurations and data | apigw-restore-tenant.bat -backupFileName <backup_file_name_without_spaces> -backupDestinationDirectory <directory_path_to_store_backup_file> -filesToSkip <file_path_to_files_to_skip> -skipDataRestore -help |