webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | API Gateway Configuration Guide | API Gateway Data Management | Data Backup and Restore
Data Backup and Restore
You can use a command-line interface (CLI) script to back up data that is stored on API Gateway database. You can use the CLI script to restore database after a data failure or hardware failure on the API Gateway instance.
Prerequisites for Backing up and Restoring Data
The following points are to be considered in the API Gateway instances used for backup and restore:
*The Software AG root installation directory must be the same.
*The Integration Server instance name must be the same.
*The ports defined for the API Gateway webApp, Integration Server, and the Event Data Store must be the same.
Data Backup and Restore Commands
In a command line, go to <Integration Server_directory>\instances\default\packages\WmAPIGateway\cli\bin and run the following commands to take a database backup or restore the database from a backup:
If you want to...
Backup data
apigatewayUtil.bat create backup -name <backupFilename>
Backup custom data
apigatewayUtil.bat create backup -name <backupFile_name> -include <reference name>
where reference name can be analytics for analytics or assets for assets data.
Delete the backed up data
apigatewayUtil.bat delete backup -name <backupFile_name>
Restore the backed up data
apigatewayUtil.bat restore backup -name <backupFile_name>
To retrieve all available backup files in the repository
apigatewayUtil.bat list backup
Delete a repository from API Gateway
apigatewayUtil.bat delete manageRepo
To retrieve all available repositories
apigatewayUtil.bat list manageRepo
To configure a repository in S3
apigatewayUtil.bat configure manageRepo -file <file_path>
Backup configurations and data
apigw-backup-tenant.bat -backupDestinationDirectory <directory_path_to_store_backup_file> -backupFileName <backup_file_name_without_spaces> -backupTemplate <file_path_to_backup_template> -packagesTemplate <file_path_to_packages_template> -help
Restore the backed up configurations and data
apigw-restore-tenant.bat -backupFileName <backup_file_name_without_spaces> -backupDestinationDirectory <directory_path_to_store_backup_file> -filesToSkip <file_path_to_files_to_skip> -skipDataRestore -help

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