API Gateway 10.15 | Known Issues
Known Issues
This section lists any issues for the current release that were known when this readme was published. For known issues found later, go to the Knowledge Center on the Empower website.
Current-context is not considered while listing services in AppMesh.
When multiple contexts exist, AppMesh does not use the context present in the current context field of the Kubernetes client configuration file while listing services.
Mashups are not supported for AppMesh APIs.
Creating Mashups of activated or exposed AppMesh APIs fail as the APIs are inspected for routing policies even before they are invoked.
API-level policy icon is not greyed out when the same global policy is configured in API Gateway UI.
When the same policy is configured at API-level as well as global level, the API-level policy icon must be greyed out to indicate that it is ineffective.
Deleting backups with an invalid range returns an incorrect exit code.
When you delete a backup with an invalid range, for example, 4a, the apigatewayUtil script returns an incorrect exit code 0 instead of 1, indicating the process status.