API Gateway 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | Release 10.1
Release 10.1
Added Items
*Migration from Mediator to API Gateway APIs and associated data can be published from CentraSite to API Gateway 10.1 version.
This allows users to publish Virtual Services of SOAP and REST with applied policies, consumer applications, runtime alias to API Gateway, which play the role of policy enforcement point and replace Mediator.
*Migration from Enterprise Gateway to API Gateway Enterprise Gateway configurations and Rules can be migrated to API Gateway, which replace and play the role of Enterprise Gateway.
*Staging and Promotion support You can now promote assets from one stage to another. API Gateway uses webMethods Deployer for promoting assets across stages. Promoting an asset involves calculating its dependencies and promoting them unless explicitly specified by the user. Stage-specific configurations and alias values can be modified to respective values.
API Gateway assets can be managed with version control system and perform scheduled or automatic promotion to stages as configured.
*Support for SOAP over JMS Support JMS protocol of Inbound and Outbound for SOAP. Allow JMS-HHTP bridging between Inbound and Outbound.
*Backup and Restore Backup API Gateway assets and configuration using command line and you can restore the backed up data.
*Transaction based licensing License model based on transactions and appropriate alerts can be implemented
*Approval model for applications Approval model can be implemented for creating or updating applications, associating applications with APIs, and subscribing to packages.
*API Mocking Mocking mode allows users to make mock calls to APIs. User can specify API response for each resource or operation and can set status codes for responses. API responses can be configured on conditional basis too.
*Support 3rd party OAuth providers Users can use 3rd party Authorization Servers for authenticating API invocations using OAuth2
Third party OAuth2 providers like OKTA and Ping Federate can be used for OAuth2 authentication.
*Support JSON Web Tokens API Gateway can authenticate clients using JSON Web Tokens supplied during invocations.
*Open ID Support API Gateway can authenticate clients using Open ID Tokens supplied during invocations.
*HTTP Header Validation Providers can mandate consumers to send HTTP headers and values defined in policy for API Invocations.