API Gateway 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | Release 10.2
Release 10.2
Added Items
*API Tagging APIs or its resources and operations can be tagged. You can use the tags for searching artifacts in API Gateway and publish the tags along with the API to API Portal.
API creation using Swagger can acquire the tags from the swagger file and also API export should include the assigned tags.
*Bulk Publish, Unpublish and Delete You can publish, unpublish or delete more than one API at a time to API Portal.
*File attachments support for API APIs can be attached with supporting files as attachments and the attached files are available in API Portal after publishing to the Portal.
*JWKS endpoint for JSON Web Tokens As an ID provider, API Gateway provides the JWKS endpoint that helps the relying parties to fetch the certificates that can be used for validation of the JSON Web tokens.
*HTTP Client for Elastic Search Relaxes the hard limitation of using the Elastic search shipped along with API Gateway product; you can use other elastic search instance configured with API Gateway
*Application suspension You can now suspend applications to deactivate the runtime access to the applications in API Gateway and the same application can be activated again.
*CORS Support in API gateway API Gateway can process cross origin requests sent by clients as inbound policy and also as transparent mode of native service processing cross origin requests.
*Specification for Invoke IS Service You can now define IS Service to get and set headers, status code, body, and other MessageContext variables using the specification in the service and do not have to write code to extract the variables.
*Enhance Transaction events Transaction events are enhanced to log headers and query parameters of request and response along with the payload.
*Caching enhancements You can manage different caches of API Gateway to auto scale or allocate static percentage of data to be held in cache.
*Data masking API Gateway’s data masking policy can be configured to mask or filter specific data in request and response messages and also mask the data in transaction events.
*JSON Schema and JSON Path Support JSON payload can be evaluated for schema validation and JSON path can be used in policies like content-based routing, error processing, and identify application.
*User profile management You can now configure your preferences like name, email passwords, and display language.
*Audit logging support Audit logging would capture user activities in API Gateway for API, application, approvals, and user management. Audit logs would capture who has done the action and when. These logs help in securing the system.
*API Monetization Plans and packages can be managed by quotas, usage, and rate limits with soft and hard limits. Consumers can subscribe to plans and monitor usage and re-subscribe as required.