API Gateway 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | Release 10.7
Release 10.7
Added Items
*AppMesh API and Microservice updates API or Microservice updates can be provisioned without impact on the service availability.
AppMesh page lists microservices exposed over cluster ports, load balancer ports, and Ingress ports.
*Tags for global policies and teams Global policies can be applied to a set of APIs or to specific REST resources and SOAP operations based on the tags specified for the APIs or its resources and operations.
Global team assignment for APIs can be done based on the tags of the APIs.
*Bind access of APIs with ports Bind access of REST and OData APIs with specific ports can be defined with allowed or denied list of APIs or paths. When default is to allow all, a denied list can be defined; and when default is to deny all, an allowed list can be defined.
*Upgrade with no downtime Upgrade to major or minor version without any downtime for the runtime transactions.
Quiesce mode is introduced to disable access to an API Gateway server temporarily so that the upgrade tasks can be performed.
*Custom Dashboards Analytics dashboards can be built by composing different widgets and construct a custom dashboard along with predefined dashboards.
*Monetization updates Monetization feature is enhanced with the following:
*To display all the subscriptions made and their status, in addition to packages and plans.
*To monitor the usage consumption, such as current usage, remaining time and quota left and so on.
*To include new metrics like calendar week and calendar month to monitor the usage.
*Custom Destinations New event destinations can be defined as custom destinations apart from the predefined destinations and the custom destination can be selected as part of Traffic Monitoring policy actions to transmit selected event types.
*Conditional error processing updates Variable based fault processing and transformation where multiple fault cases can be grouped based on conditions. Response headers and status can be transformed as per the defined policy conditions.
*Variable framework updates Variables are made available across policy stages where system and custom variables and values from request and response can all be accessed using variable syntax in applicable policies.
Changed Items
*Policy labels and action to add policy Policy labels with a long name are shortened as follows.
An Add icon is introduced for each policy, which you can use to add the corresponding policy to an API.
Identify & Authorize Application ==> Identify & Authorize
Inbound Authentication – Message ==> Inbound Auth – Message
Outbound Authentication – Transport ==> Outbound Auth – Transport
Outbound Authentication – Message ==> Outbound Auth – Message
JMS/AMQP Routing for SOAP ==> JMS/AMQP SOAP Routing
JMS/AMQP Routing for REST ==> JMS/AMQP REST Routing
JMS/AMQP Properties for SOAP ==> JMS/AMQP SOAP Properties
JMS/AMQP Properties for REST ==> JMS/AMQP REST Properties
Monitor Service Performance ==> Monitor Performance
Monitor Service Level Agreement ==> Monitor Level Agreement
Throttling Traffic Optimization ==> Traffic Optimization
Deprecated Items
The following scripts are deprecated and will be removed in future releases:
Windows version:
These scritps are replaced by apigatewayUtil.bat.
Linux version:
These scritps are replaced by apigatewayUtil.sh.
Removed Items
*Search Guard The Search Guard plugin, which is used to secure API Gateway Data Store communications, is not available in the installation by default.
It can be installed and used separately.