API Gateway 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | Release 10.15
Release 10.15
Added Items
*Bulkhead pattern support in API Gateway Support to specify the maximum number of concurrent requests processed by:
*an API at API level
*all APIs (Global level - The specified number applies to each API under the Global policy)
When the specified number of concurrent requests exceeds the specified limit, the excess requests are rejected. In such scenarios, the corresponding transaction events and the policy violation events are generated.
*Proof key for code exchange enhancements Support for PKCE to secure OAuth 2.0 public clients at application level that uses the authorization code grant.
*Traffic optimization improvements The Traffic optimization policy can now be applied to:
*All consumers (specified rate-limit within a given time limit shared by all consumers)
*All registered consumers (specified rate-limit within a given time limit shared by all registered consumers)
*All non-registered consumers (specified rate-limit within a given time limit shared by all non-registered consumers)
*Each consumer
*Each registered consumer
*Each non-registered consumer
*Specified list of consumers (can allow consumer-specific throttling or allow the given limit to each consumer)
*Simplified upgrade procedure API Gateway upgrade procedure is enhanced to support pre-flight checks and sanity health checks during migration. This feature will be available to the customers in the upcoming version after 10.15.
*Support for production-class container images on https://containers.softwareag.com API Gateway docker images are available on https://containers.softwareag.com.
In addition to the trial bundle, a production-class docker image, webMethods API Gateway Minimal, is introduced.
The API Gateway 10.15 minimal docker image provides the API Gateway server and UI only. Containers of this image must be configured with a compatible instance of Elasticsearch and Kibana (as documented in the product compatibility matrix).
Changed Items
*Enhancements to asset approval process Asset approval process is enhanced. As administrators, you can specify approvers in a team when creating or editing team details. The selected team approvers can view the pending requests of the assets that are associated with their respective teams and approve them.
*Enhancements to product architecture API Gateway supports a seamless data separation between Elasticsearch, which stores the product configurations, and Elasticsearch, which stores API analytics(default destination).
*Enhancements to observability and monitoring metrics API level Prometheus metrics are introduced for measuring the availability of the deployed APIs. The following API level metrics measures the service and business availability:
*Error rates
*API transaction error rate per API and the aggregated value
*API execution error rate per API and the aggregated value
*Backend API errors per API and the aggregated value
*Errors arising from the inter component interactions (such as API Gateway to Elasticsearch)
*API performance per API
*API Gateway performance and Backend API performance
*Aggregated latency introduced by API Gateway
*LDAP V3 support and certification API Gateway now supports LDAP version 3 for the user management LDAP integration.
*TLS 1.3 support and certification API Gateway now supports TLS version 1.3 for securing the inbound and outbound connections that use JSSE.
*Elastic stack upgrade Elasticsearch, Filebeat, and Kibana are upgraded to version 8.2.3.
*X-Pack in place of Search Guard plugin Elasticsearch is updated to version 8.2.3, which is incompatible with Search Guard plugin. Instead, X-Pack and ReadonlyREST plugins are recommended to secure API Gateway Data Store communications.
*You must not use Java 17 from C:/SoftwareAG/InternalDataStore/jdk to run other processes as it is shipped to run Elastic Search version 8.2.3
Deprecated Items
*The Custom dashboard is deprecated and will be removed in future releases from API Gateway Analytics dashboard.
Alternatively, you can configure an external elastic search destination and build your own dashboards using Kibana.
*The support for Deployer and Command Central is deprecated and will be removed in future releases.
API Gateway support, for example, provisioning, configurations using Deployer and the Command Central (CCE) is deprecated.
*The support for creating Docker images from an API Gateway installation is deprecated and will be removed in future releases.
API Gateway images can be downloaded from https://containers.softwareag.com.
*The support for webMethods API Portal is deprecated and will be removed in future releases.
webMethods Developer Portal can be used, in place of webMethods API Portal, to securely expose APIs to external developers, partners, and other consumers publishing APIs.