Task Engine 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Built-In Services | Release 10.1
Release 10.1
Added Service
*pub.task.taskclient:searchTasksHPSTRA: The built-in service retrieves tasks that match specified search criteria. Applies to tasks with task data that the HPSTRA module in Task Engine stores in an ElasticSearch store.
*pub.task.taskclient:countTasksIndexedHPSTRA: The built-in service counts the tasks that match the specified search criteria for tasks with indexed task business data. Applies to tasks with task data that the HPSTRA module in Task Engine stores in an ElasticSearch store.
*pub.task.taskclient:searchTasksFieldsIndexedHPSTRA: The built-in service retrieves a collection of task data fields from tasks that match the specified search criteria. Applies to tasks with task data that the HPSTRA module in Task Engine stores in an ElasticSearch store.
*pub.task.taskclient:searchTasksIndexedHPSTRA: The built-in service retrieves tasks that match specified search criteria. Applies to tasks with task data that the HPSTRA module in Task Engine stores in an ElasticSearch store.
Changed Services
*pub.task:TaskSearchQuery: The document type now includes a new parameter, SearchEngineType, which enables you to select a specific search engine to execute the search query.
*pub.task:TaskSearchQueryV2: The document type now includes a new parameter, SearchEngineType, which enables you to select a specific search engine to execute the search query.