Task Engine 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | Release 10.7
Release 10.7
Added Items
*Docker support for Task Engine on My webMethods Server and WmTaskClient: Task Engine instances, installed on My webMethods Server can be included in Docker images using the default My webMethods Server tooling, and can run in Docker containers. WmTaskClient can be containerized with Integration Server or Microservices Runtime.
*Support for task voting in Task Engine APIs: Task voting and voting recalculation are now available through the Task Engine services.
*Support for separate locations for Process Engine and Rules Engine: The Task Engine user interface is enhanced to support separate configurations for Process Engine and Rules Engine.
Changed Items
*Runtime behavior of task comments and attachments with scope “process instance scope” when queued from a subprocess: When the attachments/comments scope of a task type is set to "process instance scope", and a task instance is queued by a subprocess, all comments and attachments will be available within the scope of the root (parent) process.