Business Rules 10.15 | Usage Notes | Business Rules
Business Rules
*As of version 10.11, Business Rules supports Java 11, as opposed to Java 8 for Business Rules 10.7. This means that the handling of date/time patterns in Business Rules changes.Specifically, Business Rules now only supports ISO 8601 date/time patterns (preferred) and pre-defined Java date/time patterns (see DateTimeFormatter class).Diverging date/time patterns may throw an exception or be parsed into an incorrect date/time.As Business Rules does not replace unsupported date/time patterns in existing rule projects automatically, you must replace them manually.Data/Time patterns may have to be adjusted in:
*Decision table cells using date values or date/time functions such as “createList ({'01/01/21 12:00:00 EST', '01/01/21 12:10:00 EST'})”
*Decision table cells using date values or date/time functions such as
*Event rule results using date values or date/time functions
*Decision table In Effect columns
*Inputs to the pub.businessrules.client:invoke service in the WmBusinessRules package
*Inputs to REST service http://%is_host%:%port%/restv2/pub.businessrules.restApi.api:businessrules/
As an example, the following table lists some previously supported, now unsupported date/time patterns with their proper replacements:
Unsupported date/time format
Supported date/time format
Missing seconds
Wrong date divider
"12/24/2019 06:00:00 AM EST"
Missing comma, date in Java FormatStyle.SHORT (Locale en_US)
"12/24/19, 06:00:00 AM EST"
"24.12.2019 12:00"
Missing comma (Locale de_DE)
"24.12.2019, 12:00"
"2/9/2015 5:01:30 PM"
Missing comma, date in Java FormatStyle.SHORT (Locale en_US)
"2/9/15, 5:01:30 PM"
"September 1, 2015 4:00:00 PM"
Missing comma, date in Java FormatStyle.SHORT (Locale en_US)
"September 1, 2015, 4:00:00 PM"
*All Business Rules functionality regarding the creation, display, and use of external event rules has been removed, as the underlying Event Driven Architecture (EDA) has been deprecated since April 2018.
Existing rule projects are automatically upgraded in a 10.15 installation, or you can upgrade them manually in Software AG Designer or the Business Rules interface of My webMethods Server.
During this upgrade, all external event rules and event models are fully deleted from the rule project. If these external event rules contain important business logic, you are advised to keep a separate copy of the respective rule project before upgrading it.