Business Rules 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed APIs | Release 9.12
Release 9.12
Added APIs
*PUT /projects/%ruleProjectName% /decision_trees/%decisionTreeName% Updates the specified decision tree in the given rule project with the provided decision tree JSON.
*GET /projects/%ruleProjectName% /decision_trees/%decisionTreeName% /condition_nodes/%conditionNodeId% Retrieves a condition node with the specified conditionNodeId in the given decision tree and rule project.
*PUT /projects/%ruleProjectName% /decision_trees/%decisionTreeName% /condition_nodes/%conditionNodeId% Updates a condition node with the specified ConditionNode JSON for the conditionNodeId in the given decision tree and rule project.
*GET /projects/%ruleProjectName% /decision_trees/%decisionTreeName% /lines/%lineId% Retrieves a condition line with the specified lineId in the given decision tree and rule project.
*PUT /projects/%ruleProjectName% /decision_trees/%decisionTreeName% /lines/%lineId% Updates a condition line with the specified Line JSON for the lineId in the given decision tree and rule project.
*GET /projects/%ruleProjectName% /decision_trees/%decisionTreeName% /result_nodes/%resultNodeId% Retrieves a result node with the specified resultNodeId in the given decision tree and rule project.
*PUT /projects/%ruleProjectName% /decision_trees/%decisionTreeName% /result_nodes/%resultNodeId% Updates a result node with the specified ResultNode JSON for the resultNodeId in the given decision tree and rule project.
*GET /projects/%ruleProjectName% /decision_trees/%decisionTreeName% /results/%resultId% Retrieves a result with the specified resultId in the given decision tree and rule project.
*PUT /projects/%ruleProjectName% /decision_trees/%decisionTreeName% /results/%resultId% Updates a result with the specified Result JSON for the resultId in the given decision tree and rule project.
*PUT /projects/%ruleProjectName% /decision_trees/%decisionTreeName%/lock Locks a decision tree so that it can be modified exclusively by the user applying the lock.
*PUT /projects/%ruleProjectName% /decision_trees/%decisionTreeName%/unlock Unlocks a decision tree so that it can be locked by another user for exclusive modification.