Optimize for Process 10.15 | Documentation Changes | Release 9.12
Release 9.12
*A new “Using Command Central to Manage Optimize” chapter has been added to the guide. This chapter is moved from the Software AG Command Central Help. The chapter describes the currently supported operations in Command Central for managing Optimize.
*The “Managing webMethods Optimize Environments” chapter of the Configuring BAM guide has been updated with information about configuring failover tuning for guaranteed consistency in Terracotta.
*The “Managing webMethods Optimize Environments” chapter of the Configuring BAM guide has been updated with information about configuring in-process event publication.
*The “Process Analytics” chapter of the webMethods Optimize User’s Guide has been updated with information about the new date range and refresh rate options, available on the Optimize Process Analytics page.
*The “Monitored KPI Definitions” chapter of the Administering webMethods Optimize guide has been updated with information about using additional JVM parameters for task event KPI definitions.