Composite Application Framework 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | Release 9.10
Release 9.10
Added Item
*The Drag And Drop File Input CAF control replaces the Drag And Drop applet.
*Client-side validation support for the CAF File Validator - with the recent HTML5 changes in browsers, it is now possible to perform client-side validation of the value specified in the file input element.
*Client-side validation prevents uploading the wrong type of file to the server or uploading files that are too large. The browsers that support this capability are: Google Chrome version 6.0 and higher Internet Explorer version 10.0 and higher Firefox version 3.6 and higher For browsers that do not support HTML5, server-side validation would have to be performed instead.
*Support for the "multiple" attribute in the File Input CAF control - with the "multiple" attribute enabled, you can select and upload more than one file using the File Input control. When the "multiple" attribute is enabled, the value of the control should be bound to a List&ltPart&gt object. The browsers that support this capability are: Google Chrome version 6.0 and higher, Internet Explorer version 10.0 and higher, and Firefox version 3.6 and higher. If using other browsers, you can select only a single file through the File Input control.
*Support for standard JavaServer Faces (JSF) 2 methods to do Ajax requests - CAF used a proprietary technique for performing partial page updates (Ajax) before the JSF standard offered support for Ajax requests. Now CAF supports the JSF 2.x standard for doing Ajax requests, replacing the proprietary technique.
*webMethods Task Development now supports the String List data type when you configure task assignees with a webMethods Business Rules decision table in Software AG Designer. You can assign a task to multiple user IDs by using a String List in the assignee field of your IS document type. For more information about working with task assignments, see webMethods BPM Task Development Help.
Changed Item
*The Attachments List CAF control has been improved. The changes to the Attachments List control include replacing the Java applet-based drag and drop panel with an HTML5-based equivalent.
*The SOAP Monitor, Color Picker, and File Attachment applets have been converted to CAF components. In more recent versions of Chrome and Firefox applets are disabled by default and must be manually enabled. Applets represent security risks.
*The CAF project classpath has been simplified. When you create a new portlet application or web application project in Software AG Designer, on the JSF Capabilities page of the new project wizard, selecting the CAF Libraries JSF implementation library now displays the following message: ‘The targeted "My webMethods Server" runtime will contribute the libraries required by this facet to the project classpath.’ Also, when you specify project properties by right-clicking the project and going to Properties > Project Facets > Java Server Faces > CAF Libraries, the properties wizard displays the same message. To clean up the project classpath for existing projects, right-click the project and go to CAF Tools > Repair CAF Project.
Deprecated Items
*Applet CAF control