Installer 10.15 | Other Resolved Issues | Release 10.0
Release 10.0
*WIR-9963, MWS-19466
UNIX daemon is not registered when installing My webMethods Server on AIX.
When installing My webMethods Server on an AIX system, you chose the option 'Register UNIX daemon for automatic start up,' but the daemon was not registered, and you received this error from the mkitab command:
[] /usr/sbin/mkitab "sag5mws912_default_5:235:wait:/etc/sag5mws912_default_5 start ..." (1)
The root cause is that the init-script name sag5mws912_default_5 is more than 14 characters long.
The workaround is to use the tool and register the My webMethods Server daemon manually with a shorter base name, as shown in the following example where the base name is passed with -n mws912:
/opt/softwareag/common/bin/ -f /opt/softwareag/profiles/MWS_default/bin/sagmws912_default_1 -n mws912/usr/sbin/rmitab: 0481-204 The ident field is not correct.Usage: /usr/sbin/rmitab "ident"[] ERROR: /usr/sbin/rmitab sag1mws912_default_1 failed (1)[] /etc/sag1mws912_default_1 removed (ok)[] Created /etc/sag1mws912 (ok)[] chmod 775 /etc/sag1mws912 (ok)[] /usr/sbin/mkitab "sag1mws912:235:wait:/etc/sag1mws912 start ..." (ok)
Note: The output shows the message “The indent field is not correct.” with the rmkitab command. You can ignore this message.
If the mkitab command shows no ERROR like in the example, then you have successfully registered the daemon on AIX.
My webMethods Server does not register Windows service or UNIX daemon correctly.
When installing on Windows, the installer will not create a service even if the "Register Windows service/UNIX daemon" check box is selected. The workaround is to run mws.bat to register the Windows service.
When installing on UNIX, the installer will always try to create a daemon even if the check box is cleared. This means that if the sudo password is provided, a daemon will always be registered. If the sudo password is not provided, the installer will add a script line that will be executed when is run later. The workaround is to use the command line tool to unregister the UNIX daemon. For instructions, see Installing Software AG Products.
Product daemons do not start automatically on Solaris.
During installation on a Solaris system, you chose the daemon registration option for products that offer that option. However, product daemons are not starting automatically with the Multi User Runlevel (Runlevel 2). The root cause is that the common/bin/ does not include Runlevel 2 by default.
The workaround is to use the tool to register the daemons again while specifying the intended runlevels with option '-N', as shown in the following example for Platform Manager:
1. Change to root user:  $ su root # or sudo sh   # cd /opt/softwareag/common/bin
2. List the init-script and rc-script names of all registered daemons:  # ./ -L/etc/init.d/sag5spm912 /opt/softwareag/profiles/SPM/bin/sagspm912
3. Register the daemon again for Runlevels 2 and 3, using the rc-script names:# cd /opt/softwareag/common/bin# ./ -N 2,3 -f /opt/softwareag/profiles/SPM/bin/sagspm912