Installer 10.15 | Critical Information
Critical Information
This section lists any critical issues for the current release that were known when this readme was published. For critical information found later, go to the Knowledge Center on the Empower website.
*Always read the Critical Requirements and Recommendations chapter in Using the Software AG Installer before installing products.
*You might experience download issues while using the Software Installer. For suggestions on diagnosing and resolving the issues, see Using the Software AG Installer.
*Software AG strongly recommends that you create installation images of your products and store them on your internal network. Create an image for each operating system on which you plan to install that is covered by your license agreement. Storing images enables you to ensure consistency across installations over time; the installer provides only the latest product releases, while installation images contain the product releases you download into them. In addition, installing from images helps you reduce WAN traffic and improve installation speeds. For instructions on creating images, see Using the Software AG Installer.
Graphical user interface is not started
Before starting Software AG Installer on UNIX in graphic user interface mode, make sure that the required RPM are installed, because they might not be installed by default. You can verify and install these packages with the following OS specific commands (administrator privileges required):
On AIX: yum install freetype2 fontconfig or dnf install freetype2 fontconfig
On RHEL: yum install freetype fontconfig dejavu-sans-fonts or dnf install freetype fontconfig dejavu-sans-fonts
On SLES: zypper install libfreetype6 fontconfig dejavu-fonts
AIX zlib v1.2.12 breaks installer image file handling
On AIX 7.2(.5.3), after installing zlib library version 1.2.12 from OpenSource Toolbox, the extraction of a particular zip file with a simple Java program fails with following error: invalid entry CRC (expected 0xafdd8e3a but got 0x960086d8)
Workaround: set LIBPATH variable to /usr/lib:/lib
LIBPATH=/usr/lib:/lib export LIBPATH