Service Development 10.15 | Other Resolved Issues | Release 9.10
Release 9.10
After installing a fix or a version of Integration Server that includes PIE-30233, a pipeline link (map or mapping) where the destination is a Document reference variable with an unresolved document type reference, behaves differently at run time.
When executing the pipeline link, at run time, Integration Server ignores the field order defined in the target Document reference variable which results in unpredictable field ordering in IData.
This issue is now fixed.
Note: Integration Server versions 9.7, 9.8, and 9.9.
There is no keyboard shortcut to drop variables from the pipeline.This issue is now fixed. Ctrl+Shift+O is the new keyboard shortcut to drop variables from the pipeline.
While searching for Integration Server elements in all packages, Designer does not work as expected when installed with a non-English language pack.
If you select All Packages option while searching for an Integration Server element in Designer (Search -> Integration Server), Designer searches for the element in all the packages before displaying the results. However, if Designer is installed with a language pack other than English, Designer does not search for the element in all packages. As a result, no results are displayed.
This issue is now fixed.
Performance of Designer slows down when saving a flow service with many service references. While saving a flow service, Designer checks whether the services referenced in the flow service exists.
As a result, if there are a large number of service references in the flow service, the performance of Designer slows down.
This issue is now fixed. A new flow service editor preference is introduced. In the Flow Service Editor preferences page, if you do not want Designer to validate the referenced services while saving a flow service, clear the Validate service references while saving check box. Clearing this preference improves the performance of Designer while saving a flow service. By default, this check box is not selected. Select the Validate service references while saving check box if you want Designer to validate the referenced services while saving a flow service.
When user selects Organize Imports to fix a JAVA service, it fixes the import statements of that service but the import statements in other JAVA services fails in the same folder.This issue is now fixed.
If CentraSite is selected as the source of the WSDL or XML schema definition, Designer does not display the child organizations when creating a web service descriptor or an IS document type.When creating a consumer or WSDL first provider web service descriptor from a service asset in CentraSite or an IS document type from an XML Schema definition in CentraSite, Designer does not display the assets that belong to the child organizations.This issue is now fixed. Now, if Centrasite is selected as the source of the WSDL or XML schema definition when creating a web service descriptor or an IS document type, Designer lists the child organizations
If you set the Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property to true for a web service descriptor using Designer, StackOverflowException occurs.
If the web service descriptor contains a recursive document type reference, using Designer to set the Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property to true results in a StackOverflowException.
This issue is now fixed.